Contact person
Vogt-Plastic GmbH
Bukheinstraße 4
79618 Rheinfelden
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 0
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 200
Bukheinstraße 4
79618 Rheinfelden
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 0
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 200
Managing Director
Andreas Vogt
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 214
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Managing Director
Dominik Vogt
Phone +49 7765 / 91 84 57
Fax +49 7765 / 91 84 55
Sales Director
Markus Rossol
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 249
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Technical Sales and Compound Development
Helmut Schmidt
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 242
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Technical Sales and Compound Development
Dr. Fabian Lüth
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 241
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Internal Sales
Dirk Becker
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 244
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Internal Sales
Astrid Haller
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 243
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Internal Sales
Roland Gehrmann
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 253
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Technical Sales for France, Spain and Portugal
Frédéric Campos
Phone +33 9 53 234 827
Mobile +33 675 28 35 02
Fax +33 9 72 30 45 73
Technical Sales for Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia
Danuta Ciaglo
Phone +48 731 888 415
Technical Sales for South-East Europe
Zdeslav Medak
Mobile +385 99 8070 636
Technical Sales for East Europe
Nikolai Patsukovich
Phone +49 7623 / 79 776 246
Fax +49 7623 / 79 776 240
Procurement of waste plastic fractions from household collections, return systems, sorting plants and recycling centers (HD-PE, LD-PE, PP, PS also mixed)
Feedstock Procurement
Michael Dietel
Telephone +49 7623 / 79 776 245
Telefax +49 7623 / 79 776 240